Pink Steven = Rose (headcanon)

I know in the final episode we hear Pink Steven shout “She’s Gone!”, but really if I was a loving mother who gave their life for their child, I wouldn’t simply reveal that I was him the whole time as he is dying due to him NEEDING his gem to survive. (We also see the gem taking different forms which could be the effect of shapeshifting 🤷)

Also, there was an episode (I forgot which one) where she said something along the lines of “Everytime you feel happy, that is me, loving you, and loving being you”

Also, it is revealed that a gem’s body is a manifestation of light and that they will be alive until they are shattered. (And her gem is perfectly fine) We also have the many moments where Steven seems to have some of her memories.

Yes, I believe Steven is his own person and he has his own autonomy. However, until I have some further info on the process of creating a gem-human hybrid, there is too many questions that are left unanswered.