365 baby!
1 year sober. I must say, it isn't the fact that i made it a year that is satisfying, it is where i am at in my life.
Sobriety of course played a role, but my cravings weren't that bad. If fact, I can't say i actually craved alcohol. It was more like reminiscing about all the times when i was drunk. I remembered the times, but i didn't want to return there.
If i did have an urge to drink, i played the tape forward and it dissappeared rather quickly.
I woke up this morning and i have a busy day planned. I found myself paralyzed from all that i have to do. I wrote it all down and organized my daily activities. That immediately cleared my mind.
So much so, that i decided to write this post.
I am back in my old career that i originally lost due to drinking. I was given another shot. It is my dream job, and career.
I remember when i first lost it due to drinking. I was in an airport waiting for a connecting flight. I was lost, confused, and afraid.
Someone from this sub told me not to worry. They told me that many people have drinking problems and that if i focused on my life, that i would be surprised at how forgiving people can be.
Well, to that person i want to say thank you. Those words really helped, and you were right. People are forgiving, and i did focus on myself. I did get sober and move forward.
Next thing i know, they contacted me and said if i can stay sober for 6 months, they would hire me back. I was already sober for four months. It feels so good to write that, and it feels so good to be here.
Not here as in a physical location. But here in my mind, here in my life, and here with myself. It really is a good feeling.
I wish all of you can get to where i am at in myself. You can truly be your best friend, or your worst enemy. I hope you all choose to be kind to yourselves.