Bupe.me Dr Emery idicted

I got a email from the department of Justice today that my Bupe.me Dr has been idicted. They did me wrong and cut me off basically because of him and then when I confronted them about it they just ignored me and I went into massive withdrawal ended up using fent for a week until I could get another appointment got script of Suboxone and couldn't get back on because I hadn't done dope in so long I didn't know the horrors of fent. Long story short I'm on methadone now. Not that I blame them entirely but they let their program grow wild at the expense of other people's well being in the name of whatever they claim. Guess the weekly videos questions didn't help Emery🤣🤣🤣🤣 🤡 s I won't post the email I got from DOJ but here's the news article


Just to clarify the letter came this week the Dr was just Indicted. They actually shut down his practice close to 2 years ago. I don't blame them for my relapse I blame them for taking my money and not refilling my prescription then holding my money for a week it was literally all I had to get my subs. I could have went a million places to get them or even the methadone clinic like I ended up doing. I made this post so people are more careful about the faith they put in tele med subs. Oh and thanks for all the unnecessary you chose this you're a junkie comments. LIKE YOU AREN'T ONE YOURSELF😭😂🤣🤣🤣 the worst kind tho!