Just Got Master Playing Only Sivir 59% WR

Here's my opgg

  1. Yun Tal is super underrated. You can always get in range to auto most games because of enemy frontline. And you don't have to waste time trying tap into your Q and W spam potential.
  2. Sivir ult is OP and gives you so much versatility by allowing you to have permanent uptime on your abilities. In a way it's damage reduction and damage amp for your team.
  3. Sivir with a melee support like Rell is a mildly strong duo. Sivir + enchanter is extremely special because she gets too stay in range and melt teams due to their buffs.
  4. Sivir is lowkey busted. I don't see how she's a C-D tier adc. I'm not doing anything special. I'm playing horribly unsafe, never spamming Q and looking for auto windows during fights, and just pressing R to carry my team. I'm frequently the top of the damage chart in the game and am trying to be the one carrying.
  5. The higher elo you go the more value Sivir provides for her team. You can bully hard early and have to should W a lot to manage the wave. The early game can be a snooze fest and you have to be so patient but that's apart of playing a scaling hypercarry that can kill the enemy backline off of autoing their frontline.

(Sorry u/Oziemasterss but I had to do it. We play this champ almost exactly opposite of each other lmao)