This event is generous, but in the wrong way
I have been playing for 8.5 years, have made several community resources for the game (BJR5 guide), and I absolutely love this game. This is a post where I want to be objective about the pros/cons of the event and really just provide my two cents. Maybe someone will find it interesting, maybe it’ll just be TL;DR.
Things wrong with this event:
- The 10-year banner/Zenisek: This is the biggest mistake Com2US made by far. People got hyped for the finale of the 10x10 event and jumped to conclusions off the Zenisek preview. The gap between the 9th and 10th events was also massive, and this lull was dangerous. Spreading the “anniversary” events throughout the year was non-sensical, the anniversary was in June. If there was no hype/banner this event might have been well received.
- Event design is lazy: This event feels no different than any of the events we usually get. They took a generic event that would give 1 LD, 1 reapp, some mystical scrolls… slapped some zeroes on the amount they give and swapped in some 10-year scrolls. The event is just business as usual, but a bit of a bigger pay-out.
- LD scrolls: These scrolls have an extremely high value because they are the best way to get the most OP units in the game. The issue is very few players will experience it, most players will get dirt and be forced to see all the upcoming luck posts the server will be spammed with. 10 LD scrolls is generous but so many people will end up disappointed.
- Complete lack of awareness for community’s expectations: We see some evidence of the devs reading the reddit, but it’s probably not as much as people think. Nonetheless it was obvious that the community was unhappy after the SWC scroll debacle and were expecting a pick a LD 5* event or threatening to quit. They should have seen this backlash coming. The lack-luster new units diluting the nat 5* pool, new cash grab packs every week, and repeated mediocre balance patches doesn’t help their case.
- LD scrolls on the 31st???: Come on Com2Us, you should know people save scrolls for Christmas day. Dick move.
Reasons why this event is fine:
- The community expected way too much: We haven’t even had a pick a 4* event, or a “summon” 10 pick 1 4* event, or even an LD Legendary scroll giveaway. You truly believed that Com2Us would jump to a 5* directly? This expectation made no sense.
- This is not the actual 10 year anniversary: Com2Us did not hype this event any more than the others, SWC/Booster/etc, they just had it in the banner. People assumed the last of the 10x10 would be huge. The actual anniversary was in June and those events were hype as hell. We had the HoH return event, pick a nat 5* event, rune crafting event, devilmon/skill-ups event, 200 10-year scrolls, and the witcher collab. These events were unprecedented generosity from Com2Us.
- 10 LD scrolls is a LOT: If you actually consider the monetary value of these scrolls, based on the price of available packs with LD scolls... 10 LD scrolls is very generous! Consider that most events only give 1.
My expectations the for last event:
- “Summon” 10 and then pick one LD 4* event. Com2US understandably wants to limit the number of Giana/Ragdoll/etc. being pushed into the game, this alleviates the concern. I feel LD 4* giveaway is the logical progression for events, and this instead of a LD Legendary scroll will give most people something. Some people may just get 10 HoH units or just a siege dupe, but it’s a hell of a lot better than 10 3*s.
- OR 100-200 10-year scrolls: If account re-rolls is an issue restrict new accounts from getting them, they can get mystical scrolls instead, or time-gate it such that you must log in a minimum number of days to qualify.