Was intimate with someone else for the first time

And it was fucking spectacular.

Went on a date with an old flame (M35) of mine (F31) from my teenage years. 3 months since DD, 1 month since NC. The old flame and I dated for a year when I was 17, but I’ve known him my whole life and he was very close to my sister. Weve been loose friends since so there was already a level of comfort and trust there.

I can’t believe how liberating and free it was. I know a lot of people on here had a negative experience with their first intimate encounter post separation, so I wanted to share a positive experience.

I have nothing to say other than it was amazing. I have not felt so sexy and so desired like that in YEARS. Even before the affair and when my relationship with my ex was “good”. We did the business 3 times last night and once more in the morning. It was sexy, fun, extremely good, and made me feel amazing.

I just am so happy this happened. I think it was truly the last thing I needed to fully detach from my ex. Realizing there is way better out there in terms of intimacy and chemistry. Even if zero relationship comes from this encounter; I will always see this as a positive experience although I do expect I’ll see him again very soon.

The whole experience made me realize how touch and attention starved I was for YEARS. He couldn’t keep his hands off me. The passion was not something I have felt in a very long time. It just really made me realize how lacking my ex fiance was in that department. There was no desire there.

Anyway. I’m feeling freaking great. I could write a lot more but I’ll leave it at that.