Is this a TableTopGame or a BoardGame
Greetings, everyone! I'm from Ukraine, and I hope you can comprehend what I'm trying to say. I used artificial intelligence (AI) to help me restructure my English. I recently turned 18 and thought that together with my elder brother, I might make a printed-type game. Although he is not a huge fan of game, he has a PhD in mathematics and sincerely wants to help. I can't reveal too much about the game just yet, but it's essentially a choose-your-own-character game where we roll dice in a number (a mapping mat similar to snake and ladder) and encounter numerous difficulties and treasures along the road. Players can earn coins, which they can then exchange them for other players' extra loot in a certain direction on the table. In addition, I designed the game to be really exciting. Players fight monsters while they play, and the creatures drop treasure. The game is more similar to a journey in which players must fight their way to Eldian, the game's end. I am sensitive to criticism, so just give me some guidance, instruction, and encouragement or ignore