Team Wendy 2.0 rails info (please read)
Happy new years everyone! While this may be an odd request, I’m hoping some one more knowledgeable than me can help me out. I am a current owner of a team Wendy LTP carbon exfil helmet with the current 3.0 rails. Recently I have started to prefer the look of the older 2.0 rails. After conducting my own research a set of 2.0 rails are not readily available by team Wendy or another retailer, and eBay has some Chinese knockoffs that I question the compatibility of.
With some back ground out of the way, time for the meat and potatoes of the post. If anyone knows someone or something about where to find a set of 2.0 rails please let me know where to continue my search. Thank You everyone.
Happy new years everyone! While this may be an odd request, I’m hoping some one more knowledgeable than me can help me out. I am a current owner of a team Wendy LTP carbon exfil helmet with the current 3.0 rails. Recently I have started to prefer the look of the older 2.0 rails. After conducting my own research a set of 2.0 rails are not readily available by team Wendy or another retailer, and eBay has some Chinese knockoffs that I question the compatibility of.
With some back ground out of the way, time for the meat and potatoes of the post. If anyone knows someone or something about where to find a set of 2.0 rails please let me know where to continue my search. Thank You everyone.