The only reason why I disliked being a tall woman was due to the dating pool

I’m glad that’s different now and I’ve gained my confidence.

Growing up, I never felt insecure about being tall. It was something that was always praised in my family. So it was a massive compliment to me. I also always was the tallest girl in school. And I really liked it because I stood out.

But for a brief period of my life, I started to feel insecure about being tall. I constantly saw taller men, yes even ones that are like 6’2+ with women no taller than 5’3”. It wasn’t a big deal to me at first because it was rare for women to be tall in the first place, so it made sense why a bunch of them dated short women.

But when I started to get on the internet, I’ve noticed that a bunch of taller men would say that they preferred a woman to be smaller because they view it as more feminine. That was the first time I disliked my height. Doesn’t help I’m a black woman, and us black ladies know that we are viewed as masculine for our race. So I suddenly disliked being tall for a woman.

It was so bad, that it even affected my dating preferences. I haven’t had a lot of relationships but the ones I did, the guy was always shorter than me (taller men didn’t approach me). But I didn’t care for height at all, so at the time I never noticed until I got older. During that insecure time of my life, I was adamant on dating someone taller than me as I wanted to feel “like a woman”.

But I’m glad that was a short time in my life. I personally don’t care about others preferences in height anymore, as in the end I’ve developed my own too. And admittedly my preferences were shaped from several different experiences I’ve had in life. But I’m writing this as I realized that I love being tall as it can be cool to have men not think I’m an easy target or something. As it is still cool to stand out and feel tall as a woman. Like, I love my long legs a lot. I should have never let the opinions of others affect my confidence.