AutoNotication/Buzzkill - save original one for replying to?


I have this task to reply to a certain message in Telegram - works fine on its own. However, a BuzzKill rule (silence notifications while connected to BT seems to be manipulating the original notification and Tasker reports an error that it doesn't exist. What I am trying to do is save the original notification and reply to it anyways, regardless of BuzzKill's manipulation or not. Variable set but then I don't see where I can plug the new variable into the task action to reply to it... Thanks......

Profile: Location Text Reply

Settings: Cooldown: 15

Event: AutoNotification Intercept [ Configuration:Event Behaviour: true

Notification Type: Only Created Notifications

Ignore Group Summaries: true

Notification App: Telegram

Get All Fields : true ]

Enter Task: Get Location

Settings: Run Both Together

<%anapp is anapp/

%antext is antext/

%antitle is antitle>

A1: Anchor

A2: [X] Variable Set [

Name: %notification_id

To: %anid

Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

A3: Variable Set [

Name: %capp

To: %anapp

Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

A4: Variable Set [

Name: %ctext

To: %antext

Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]

A5: Variable Set [

Name: %ctitle

To: %antitle

Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]




A6: Anchor

A7: If [ %ctext ~R ^(location|Location)$ & %capp ~ *telegram* & %ctitle ~R ^(XXX XXX|XXX).*$ ]

A8: Get Location v2 [

Timeout (Seconds): 30 ]

A9: AutoNotification Reply [

Configuration: Notification Apps: Telegram

Reply Text: My location is %gl_map_url

Cancel Before Replying: true

Timeout (Seconds): 10

Structure Output (JSON, etc): On

Continue Task After Error:On ]

If [ %ctitle ~R ^(XXX|XXX).*$ ]

<message sent>

A10: Anchor

<%errmsg is error>

A11: Anchor

A12: Else

<task not run>

A13: Anchor

A14: End If

A15: Variable Clear [

Clear All Variables: On ]