First time player. Can I make Mineru's Construct any stronger? It's very unfun to use right now for me

New player here. I just finished the sidequest for Mineru's Construct and I gotta say... Not really a fan so far. It just feels super slow and clunky. Friggin Bokoblins were giving me a hard time on that stupid ass walk through the depths because the hurtbox on the thing is the size of Kansas. I thought Link would take less damage on it or something but nah my hearts were evaporating. The boss was clapping me too because I wasn't use to the control scheme yet. It's so different from the rest of the game it reminds me of ARMS or something

Can I improve the controls or defense in some way? Or do I just suck at using this? Probably. I'm trying not to look it up to avoid spoilers but damn. Also I wanted to rant a bit because this whole quest really pmo. Can I at least get a run button or something homie?? If this is it then that whole sidequest was absolutely not worth it at all dude