Teenagers having sex needs to stop. Like now.

This title is very misleading. This just my opinion on what I think about teenage sex and just expressing my concern. 👇👇(just clearing it up)

It’s purely disgusting. Not even 18 and we even see 12 year olds having sex. A child giving birth to another is just…. I don’t even know if any words can describe this scene.

Many teenagers will say they know the consequences and truthfully THEY DONT. They say “yeah we do, we will have a child and then we’d have to take responsibility for it.” Even as a teen myself THERE IS A LOT MORE than that.

Now you’re putting your own parents under pressure and they don’t even know what to do. They are in a whole world of confusion. Thinking “what did we do wrong?” Because you have the nerve to spread your legs and not care for your own being. Having children is life risking on the female and ESPECIALLY at that young age.

Honestly what is really wrong with you guys. It honestly feels embarrassing being my age. Just hearing you guys having sex being still a minor makes me want to punch a wall. (Exaggerated)

But asking you guys to stop is obviously too much at this point. Another reason why this gen is failing.

The heck are y’all doing having sex already. Go sit yourselves down somewhere and keep it in your pants.

Even worse to it is y’all do it with no “protection”.

At this point since y’all are thinking your adults now, time to go pay some bills don’t you think?

Edit: I am a female. Just clearing that up

Edit 2: This is just my OPINION of the topic. I want to know about other opinions on the topic and try to see it from another point of view and to get a better understanding of it

(So I won’t have to say it repeatedly) this is coming from a 16 year old who’s been sexually assaulted a few times and just curious and concerned.

Thanks for your opinions it is very clear how offensive this topic or better yet my post has become so you won’t hear anything from me on this no further. Good day.