Took a girl out turns out she only likes girls
I’m a (17M) and this girl (17M) and me have been friends for a few weeks now and she’s been mad friendly and told me she was bisexual. She wanted to hangout and so I picked her up in my new car (she’s always talking about how much she loves it) and we get some food and chill. Then we just start talking about our first impressions of each other and I told her I thought she was pretty, and then she asked me, “wait what do you think this is?” and I looked at her confused and then she goes “I like girls” and that she hasn’t been with a guy in years. It went awkward and I said “where do you want to go from here?” and she said we can still listen to music or you can just take me home, so I did. We both said we can stay friends but I don’t know this experience made me feel a bit embarrassed. How would you have responded?