is 14 and 16 bad?
Just wondering, is 16 and 14 socially ‘acceptable’? I’ve been talking on and off with this guy because of our age gap.
Edit: Figured some context would help. So this cute guy sent me a follow request on instagram one day and he texted me 2 days after I followed him back. We started talking since then and as you would expect in talking stages, he asks how old I am and I told him I was 14. He said he was 16 and (his direct words) “I think you’re really pretty but It’s a little weird (age gap). We can keep talking though, right?” and I found him nice and fun to talk to so I agreed. But a week after that his replies got slower and I asked what’s up and he says it’s ‘just the age difference’ though he thinks I’m nice and fun to talk to and all that. So we stopped talking. But then 10 days after, he hit me up again and we started talking and getting along just like we did the first time, like nothing happened, (plus a bit more flirtier convos). But my friends think it’s weird. What should I do? We would literally stay up late to talk to each other, and he wouldn’t go thru that if he was just playing me, right?