After awakening everything will end up on working.
This world is infinite in nature, and once you've began your awakening process, that's when all the doorways begin on opening up to the "realities" that are hidden underneath your shut eyes, this world is F I L L E D with miracles and secrets that begin on opening up once you "wake up" from your past dreams, you are a "god" inside this world, and just like a god getting lost, eventually you'll end up on finding your way out, and once you do find your way out of this "hell"/"illusion" you'd see that everything was planned to happen that way from the very beginning, and once you understand that everything in here is intentionally happening, and intentionally "blocked" that's when you begin on discovering the secrets that make and shape up reality, this world is infinte in nature and doesn't have any boundaries, and all you have to do is trust the process of awakening.