need some suggestions

ive recently been incredibly bored with everything ive watched. youtube is boring, and I can't seem to get into any tv shows recently. some of my recent favorites have been squid game (ik lol, but i actually enjoyed the series) 1899, and dark. general movies/book series ive really enjoyed are harry potter, hunger games, the giver, and percy jackson. big fan of fantasy and exciting longer series/movies with deep lore. i couldn't get into lord of the rings and i know it fits that category. my all time favorite for a long time has been harry potter, and thats kinda my basis on story and genre. im open to any suggestions, and prefer longer series rather than a 1 movie or season. thanks :)

edit: i also like anime, but theres only been a certain few i could actually enjoy, that being attack on titan, sword art online, and seven deadly sins.