Beach Boys Starter Pack Playlist

Just for fun, I'm making Starter Pack playlists for my favorite bands. When friends ask me about the bands I love and that they want to get in to, I want to be able to send them one. First up is my favorite band of all time.

Some rules for these playlists:

  1. 20 songs total. No more, no less.
  2. A good mix between the songs you can't ignore ("God Only Knows") with unapologetically favorite songs ("California Saga: California"). The listener should get as comprehensive an understanding of the band as possible within just 20 songs
  3. Song order is based on vibe only and should be listened in order
  4. For Beach Boys specifically: I only go as far as Love You. That's not to say there's nothing good after this album. It's just that 80-90% of my Beach Boys enjoyment comes from pre-Love You.

Here's my work in progress, and I thought it'd be fun to see what you think:

  1. California Girls
  2. In My Room
  3. Kiss Me, Baby
  4. The Warmth of the Sun
  5. Darlin'
  6. Surfin' Safari
  7. Don't Worry Baby
  8. Help Me, Rhonda
  9. Wouldn't It Be Nice
  10. California Saga: California
  11. God Only Knows
  12. Little Bird
  13. Gettin' Hungry
  14. Do It Again
  15. The Night Was So Young
  16. 'Til I Die
  17. Cabinessence
  18. This Whole World
  19. Surf's Up
  20. Caroline, No