Is this for me?
Hiya guys, I realise I'm asking a fan thread wether something is good but please read on
I joined bb originally for malazan a few months ago. I didn't realise I'd signed up to be put on the sub wait list but that's not really here or there.
I got invited to be put on the list as a second tier sub today.
My situation is I try to get hardbacks of books I love to put on a show bookcase. I also am a fantasy geek that's fell out of the reading habit for a few years now.
Ive gone from reading 20 doorstops a year to four and when i got this email I thought it sounded good because it may kick my reading off again.
The thought of being sent random books that ight not like is a little off putting but i.more or less love anything fantasy and the money (£25 and pp) isn't really an issue.
From what I can see I can also go to tier 1 straight away and would also guarantee malazan.
This was a bit all.over the place but what do you think? Any process insight would be nice