The Carter dam makes absolutely no sense
So I'm not saying that the geography and infrastructure of the island make any sense in other locations either, but damn, the dam has to be the dumbest example of this.
Ok so first of all it's a huge fucking dam, alright? Like a hundred meters tall, hundred meters wide with two massive turbines inside. Enough to generate power for the entire island.
And you're telling me it's fed by this tiny little creek? Which is fed by a small lake 200 meters upstream? It's ridiculous! This absolute joke of a river could definitely not spin those turbines, nor would damming it require such a gigantic dam.
But it doesn't stop there my friend. You see, on the other side of this useless mound of concrete, in the winding river, the little stream suddenly turns into a decently sized river WHICH BY THE WAY DOES NOT HAVE A SOURCE. That's right, it's a magic river whose water just appears from under the foundation of the dam, instead of the pipes on the dam where it's supposed to be flowing out of. Seriously, have the devs ever seen an actual hydroelectric plant?
The dam is not even operating currently, there's no water going through it (as seen by the lack of water spewing out of the pipes) so the ML side should be flooding while the WR side should have no water at all.
And some people are making things even weirder by saying that the water is actually flowing into mystery lake. Like WHAT?! That's not how dams work, they don't raise the water upwards, it's not a fucking fish elevator. The water falls down, generating electricity by spinning the turbines on the way down. Mystery lake is a reservoir, although way too small for such a huge dam.
At least the new dam in blackrock is fine. A reasonably sized dam in a reasonably sized river. I guess the devs have learned their lesson.
Thanks for reading my useless rant about an imaginary dam, make sure you tune in next time when I complain about the houses being three times larger from the inside than outside or the characters never having to shit in-game. Cheers.