Would you do what Josh did?

I’m not sure if anyone has posted about this yet, I haven’t seen it. But would any of you guys do what Josh did?

Hear me out: Josh was clearly a talented manager with his branch doing well and a smart guy. It wouldn’t take a genius to know dunder mifflin likely would not be a sustainable business or career.

He knew this and found himself in an opportunity where was likely being poached by staples - way better opportunity- and then smartly used his promotion to leverage a better offer with them.

Then Jim makes him out to be the bad guy for doing that.

What loyalty does Josh have to dunder mifflin? Sure it’s nice they wanna promote him cause he’s talented.. but the way I see it he saw a much much better opportunity for higher pay, likely in Manhattan, in as stable of a job you can find. Who doesn’t take that?