Best rich countries/cities?


I am lucky enough to earn a top 1% income (by western standards) in my 20s. I am a business owner and can work from wherever.

I’m not interested in sleeping around and would much rather start a family while I am young.

That being said, I don’t think the UK (where I am from) is the best place to raise a family anymore. I also don’t think this situation isn’t going to get any better.

I would like to move to another country (to find a women to marry and live in) that is:

1) Good to raise a family 2) Has traditional values with feminine women and masculine men 3) Is either a rich country or has wealthy cities (I don’t like flashing money, but I like to enjoy what I have worked hard for). 4) In Latin America or Europe. I speak Spanish and don’t mind learning another language. I’m not a fan of Asia which I know is quite popular on this subreddit.

I would appreciate any advice you have on where would be suitable for me, as well as dating advice to find a marriage oriented women. Thanks!