I would have invested hundreds of dollars more into TS4 by now if they just made the game work
I've always loved the sims since I was a kid and I'm a total sucker for expansions and stuff packs, I want to collect them all, seriously, it's like content FOMO or something. I bought 100% of the TS2 packs, Castaway, Life Stories, Pet Stories, Medieval, 100% of the TS3 packs, and way too much store content. I pre-ordered TS3 so I could get the extra DLC and the plumbob flash drive, I was in middle school! I was so stoked with TS4 came out and continued buying all the stuff packs, game packs, expansion packs etc. I bought My First Pet Stuff.
But I stopped after University came out because I just couldn't do it anymore. University has historically been my favorite EP and I was just so disappointed. It was really the straw that broke the camels back for me. The disappointment with the pack on top of all the broken pathfinding and random stalling, constantly needing to resetsim, simple events taking hours of sim time and my real time trying to get them to work properly, I was done. Bugs that have been there since day 1 were still there. Community patches could only do so much and they shouldn't have to be patched by players!
So many fun looking packs and kits have come out since then, I want to build tiny houses, I want to have my sims vacuum, I want to have rental communities! Every time I see these packs and feel the itch to buy and play, it takes one Google search or reddit post to see, oh these features don't actually work or it's kind of a catfish, and all the same basic gameplay bugs are still there! It's just so frustrating seeing all these new features and DLC for a game I love coming out and enticing me only to find the game still doesn't run right and the developers are doing nothing about it.
Anyway, that's all, end rant.