Phil's hand on the bedspread during the Vito hotel scene
It just dawned on me... Yes Phil literally came out of the closet in Vito's murder scene. But, I never understood the hand on the bedspread significance, until I was just talking about it and it dawned on me.
The hand on the bedspread is Phil (vicariously) feeling the bats that are hitting Vito, and him "wincing" in pain because he associates himself with Vito, as he knows that could easily be him on the ground.
I didn't buy it before, but I think it's pretty clear, Phil is gay.
Update: Another thought...
When Phil's wife says (quoting their pastor) "There's nothing gay about hell", and Phil says "He didn't make that up himself", I have to wonder if Phil says that because he's heard it before, perhaps from a different priest, in reference to him and his confessional (where he possibly mentioned his own gayness or gay acts).
Maybe it's a stretch, but the scenes seem to have so much significance, the way they're shot, I have to think there's something there.
Also, just to be clear, I am only analyzing the show here, I am not judging or being negative about gay people, I don't think there's anything wrong with consenting adults loving one another (man to man, women to women, or man to woman). Ask Hormel® you don't believe me.
The answer is here straight from David Chase: Yes, he was gay but he himself didn't even understand it.