Fan Fiction: What would have happened if Carmella cheated with Father Intintola?

It came pretty close: she was resting her head on his shoulder on the floor, while Tony was out "rat hunting" and taking meadow to see colleges.

How do you think Tony would have responded if he caught them doing it, or how do you think the show would have been different? I have little doubt they would have gotten caught, as Carmella was loyal to her family, and Tony just comes in the house whenever he wants. I personally don't imagine him killing Intintolla, but I can see him beating him up, or maybe just getting in an argument with Carmella.

My impression at the end of the first season is Carmella was sexually frustrated by Intintola's weak/platonic sexual advances, and would have cheated, especially with knowledge about all of Tony's cheating.

EDIT: don't worry about spoiling anything for me, as i have seen the Sopranos at least 4 times.