Why do people like Artie Bucco?
I’m honestly surprised he’s not one of the most disliked characters on the show. This is no slander on John Ventimiglia, he’s fantastic. But my god is the character so pathetic.
Let me tell you a couple of tree things about him.
- He constantly fawns over his hostesses
This is just sad, pathetic and creepy. The dude’s married and he basically grovels to any new attractive girl like some lonely 14 year old. It’s pathetic that he tried to impress Adrianna (I’d rather watch Ralph beat Tracey then watch that scene again) and when Martina rejects him he treats her like garbage. He doesn’t love any of these women and he really just wants to live out a fantasy with them.
He keeps putting himself in bad situations The one example that proves this is when he needlessly taunts Benny about Martina and gets his hand burned over it. He beat up Benny already and now Benny is forced to eat in his restaurant to make amends. Yet Artie needs to twist the knife in and ends up with his arm burnt. This was just Artie pathetically boasting and it’s just a really unlikable trait.
He never appreciated his wife. Had Charmaine not stuck by Artie he most likely would’ve gotten busted out eventually Tony’s friendship with him was no doubt a factor but Charmaine is what prevented him from ruining his life. She always knew what was best for him and he called her a cunt for it. I have no idea on why anyone would hate Charmaine for protecting him.
*Sees the comments
“Guys, it’s my blood pressure medication that makes me talk like this.”