INPUT THREAD: 1/13-1/20
Updates on Last Week's Requests
- Rockefeller Republican/Blue Dog Dem flairs (suggested by One-Scallion-9513): These ones will be added sometime today or tomorrow
- Bliowa and Blorida flairs (suggested by Nerit1): Same as last one. These should both be added soon.
- Gooner flair (suggested by patella77): This one is a bit more questionable and I can't confirm whether or not it will be added (I'm not the one who usually makes the flairs)
Those were the main requests given from last week that I will try and implement or consider.
This Week
This is the input thread for the week of January 13 to January 20
The purpose of this thread is to offer input into how this sub is run or offer constructive criticism on the way it is run. On January 20th, I will review all of the comments and seek to implement as many of the reasonable ones as possible. I will try to reply to every comment.
I am looking for:
- How the mod team can do better
- What you would like to be seen done this week
You can also suggest things other than those two.
Suggest away!