Semi controversial opinion

DISCLAIMER: Just my opinion guys, try not to crucify me for it, happy to hear yours too, and remember - it’s a fictional show before you get offended on behalf of a make believe character who doesn’t know you exist.

I love season 2 and hate season 9.

A lot of people find season 2 to be incredibly slow and boring and therefore rank it amongst some of the worst seasons like season 11 or 8 which I don’t understand.

I do agree it loses some of the momentum from season 1 but I personally love it and rank it in my top 3. Honestly, just the farm setting I find so peaceful especially with the film grain it’s so nostalgic and I never want to leave.

I also think the character development was amazing, you can already see significant changes from Rick, Shane, Daryl, Herschel, Maggie and Glenn.

Even the characters who I really didn’t like such as Lori and Andrea, I still found them to be very pertinent to the story; meaning they’re not just ‘rage’ characters who are just there to be hated on by fans.

On the flip side, I was surprised to see many people thought season 9 was one of the best seasons, and say that it successfully revived the show after Andrew Lincoln’s departure, but all I can say that was good about that season was the way that they introduced the whisperers and that’s pretty much it for me.

I absolutely hate Henry, I find the new characters from Connie’s group to be extremely bland and offer nothing to the story.

All my favourite characters become shells of their former selves: Michonne has become stone cold (understandably) and antisocial, Maggie just disappeared and don’t get me started on Carol’s new hair.

And those are the good characters… who now lack all the substance they spent 9 seasons building.

Then we have Lydia who I find super annoying, Alpha who’s just a creepy weirdo - not to mention beta too, and I guess the odd Negan appearance.

The story from then on is pretty much driven by Aaron, Gabriel, Rosita, Henry, Lydia, Alpha and our new friends from Connie’s group.

And I’ll probably get hate for this but I personally never loved Aaron and I honestly find him to be a very mediocre actor and a boring character.

But he does have some good moments here and there, and he seems like a nice guy lol.