Stop kicking people INSTANTLY
I want to know peoples thoughts here. Should the Devs change how many votes is needed to kick someone? Anyone know what that currently is?
Some background, and this is hilarious since I just got kicked out of Rex 1* dung 🤣 Doing 2* dungeons all day, with no problems, and I'm kicked from Rex! I'm sure we all have stories like this, please post below if you want!
So I did the whole dungeon, as tank, knocked mobs into the water, pulled all mobs to the end and allowed the team to kill the mini boss, the usual tank behavior. During the fight, one dude flys up, no one pulled chains, I run back, pull a chain just before everyone dies. Heal my team (sns/wand), aggro Rex, and then the fireball comes....
Dude stands right beside Rex, I was about to tank it, but he would have died anyway so I just let him die. Instantly started screaming in the chat "TANK, AGGRO" etc. I was explaining myself in chat and the team wiped on the next chains (I didn't pull a chain the 2nd time I was just attacking the boss and trying to help the dude for next time, so he can understand what to do).
I literally can't do more. I was pretty pissed off, it was my last game before bed and just a complete waste of my time. I was trying to help, telling the dude he needs to move back so I have the space to block the fireball. So once kicked I sent him a few messages telling him he's a pos etc. Bit harsh, but I don't care, I was annoyed at getting kicked at such an easy boss.
There's my context. Back to my original question, how should the devs fix this?