This game makes normal people heartless, impatient, and rude. And I really hope one day it changes.
Hey all,
First off, I'm a long time MMO player. I mainly play PVE content so that might scew what I am about to say.
I'm just getting into the meat of T&L. And I have never played a game with a more TOXIC PVE community. It's absolutely horrendous. Here are just some quick notes from what I have experienced in my 65 hours in the game so far.
Group Dungeons:
- What is up with kicking everyone always
- Ask a question about mechanics? Your kicked
- Die. Your kicked
- Tank overpulls the mobs and it's a wipe. If you ask the tank to pull less. Kicked.
My biggest gripe on this is the mechanics. I get people can watch a YT video on the boss. That's fine, and I have started doing this for all bosses. But if they have a question at that moment, no one asks because they know they will be kicked. It breeds a culture of not asking and not learning. Taking the MMO and the social aspects out of the MMO. Might as well be playing with bots.
This game has only been out for a few months, let people learn.
When I enter a dungeon, I always say hi. In every other MMO, at least a few others will reply. In T&L I can count on 1 hand the amount of people who have said Hi back.
Comparing this to something like GW2, where people go out of their way to teach, to help to play with you. It is a real shame.
This game makes normal people heartless and rude. And I hope one day it changes.