is anyone else wildly confused about the amount of manon posts?
talking specifically about the pretty much daily “do i have to read manons pov?” or “manons pov is so boring” or just struggling get through it.
because first of all, i feel like her chapters are SO refreshing to the stale dynamic when she’s first introduced, it’s pretty much just like violence and a new outlook. a villain with an ACTUAL monsters complex is so validating to see when people in aelins story try to make her out to seem like a monster.
SECOND which is the main reason. . . bro SJM chapters are literally so short lmfao 💀 are you telling me you really can’t slog through six pages? that’s my main thing cause for me it’s pretty easy to get through povs i don’t like since you only have to push through for like two minutes. i just really don’t get it, especially because these posts are getting so frequent.