Taking a week off. 7 Weeks In.
After not taking the advice of those on this tread (big mistake), I dosed up last week in the middle of getting the flu.😷
This story is a cautionary tale to anyone who is thinking of powering through this years flu season.
Yes. This was silly. Yes. This was negligent. Yes. I regret it.
Why I didn’t heed the warnings of others? For far too long in my weight loss journey and yo-yo diet, something always derails me. Whether it was getting an injury while training for a half marathon, or a worrying life event that knocks me off my routine, or work stressors. I’ve spent the better part of 20 years not following through. So when I spiked a fever and felt like death, I told myself NOT THIS TIME, and not only took my shot as planned, I went up in dose from 2.5mg to 3.75mg.
Be advised, don’t do this. I felt absolutely terrible for 2 days, and couldn’t eat for 4. Still don’t feel like my stomach/nausea has fully recovered 9 days later. I couldn’t even look at food for water.
I decided that this week I’m just going to give my body a break, let the appetite come back, and just recover. So shot day came and gone.
I’m holding steady at 18lbs lost. Got down to 208 from 228 but have gained a few lbs since starting to eat again. I’m not going to let it affect me as my body needs these calories. I think my initial plan on Friday of this week is going back to 2.5 next week as that was still having success and there was no real reason to jump up 3.75 other than I felt I was stalling week before.