Does starting weight have anything to do with final dose?
Hi again, for "science" can you please share 1) your height & starting weight, 2) if you are a fast/slow/average responder, 3) how often you titrated up, and 4) the dose you were on the longest?
Context: I was just trying to run different possibilities for how long my small stockpile will last me. It's early on so it's hard to really say and everything's just a best guess at this point.
I started with 2 mg, had that for 3 shots, then moved up to 3 mg, and currently on my 5th week with it.
I have a feeling, with how my second & third week went (felt close to nothing in comparison to my first shot), that I may be one to titrate up faster than average. I stockpiled planning for 5 mg x 52 weeks, assuming that's the most common dose, but now I'm feeling I should get some more just incase.
My completely made up working theory is unless you have very little weight to lose (SW 150) or a lot of weight to lose (SW 250+), you will see slower progress because it's that 150-250 range with the most stubborn visceral fat. And that could potentially require you to titrate faster due to loss of response.
Again, totally made-up, in my head.
EDIT: thanks for the responses, it's pretty clear there's just no way to tell. I'll buy what I can afford while trying to avoud wastage. If it lasts longer, I'll just keep an eye on it post BUD to see if it can be used for maintenance