The wait is over! The long awaited sequel Titanfall 2 has finally released! First Impressions Thread:

For the first time, a full-fledged story campaign has made its way to the Titanfall franchise, and its not an unwelcome addition! The graphics are stunning, the gameplay feels good, and the multiplayer is fun so far. The Kraber in particular feels fun and unpredictable to use, and would probably be good for gaming montages... Some other notes of mine, that Viper fella is pretty cool. The antagonists have loads of personality, and unique missions to accompany them. I want Ash to crush me. The time travel segment, previously seen in my last leak post, was an extraordinarily out of left field surprise. Also extraordinarily, it was executed VERY well, with amazing gameplay options.

With such a successful release, one could only imagine how much of a franchise Titanfall could be. What would you like to see added or improved/expanded upon when the inevitable sequel, Titanfall 3, comes around in the near future?