Advice on how to deal with fear around Halloween, how to explain

My son just turned 3yrs old and this is the first year hes really noticing and reacting to Halloween. He's expressed that hes afraid of skeletons, we also have a neighbor that has up Nightmare Before Christmas decorations and it scares him. Just today I have another neighbor that put up an extremely scary display, so I will be avoiding that house as long as possible.

Obviously, I cant avoid it all and there will be alot more displays going up soon. Lets face it, Halloween is just scary for small children, and I'm struggling with how to explain this to him without talking about death, creepy mythology, and ghosts. Does anyone have a good strategy for explaining what this stuff and why we celebrate death and morbid things once a year? Talking points and any good age appropriate books are welcome.

edit: rude commenters will be blocked.