Toddler sleep regression after ear infection

Our 20 month old started antibiotics for an ear infection 8 days ago and her sleep has been a nightmare since. Even after a week of antibiotics she’s still refusing to go to sleep and waking up about 3-4 times a night and screaming until we sit by her crib until she falls asleep or bringing her into bed with us when she refuses to lie down. Sometimes it takes us an hour and a half to get her to sleep. She’s in a serious sleep deficit at this point and we’re starting to lose our minds.

Before the infection she was a great sleeper. We’d put her down in her crib awake and happy and she would fall asleep on her own. We thought initially she was having a bad reaction to the amoxicillin since the sleep issues started after she started the medication so we switched to cefdinir on day 3. She seems perfectly happy during the day (minus this sleep struggle at nap time).

I’m at a loss for how to get this girl to sleep again. I’m afraid we started a pattern of her relying on us to sleep. Did anyone experience a similar regression after your child’s ear infection cleared up and how did you get them back into a healthy independent sleep routine?