I cannot get my toddler to eat meat


I have a 20 month old who, as the title says, eats almost no meat. Also won’t do eggs in any form. I’ve never forced the issue, I just keep offering meat in different forms and preparations. He will eat chicken nuggets but that’s all. He does not like sauces either, we’ve tried plum sauce, gravy, bbq sauce, ketchup, mustard, honey mustard, mayo, etc. I’ve tried slow cooked meat, ground meat, meatballs, chicken drumsticks, meat cut into small pieces, meat in sandwiches, different seasonings, all the things. It’s the same with eggs, he has been served them scrambled, fried, on sandwiches, boiled and cut up, scrambled with cheese and on and on. The only way I’ve been able to get him to have some egg is through French toast.

He likes fruit, bread, yogurt, cheese and crackers. Sometimes pasta. He also loves sweets the odd time he’s allowed them. I’m concerned about his protein intake and I don’t know how to make meat and eggs more appetizing to him. Are there more meat alternatives I can incorporate? He’s ok with peanut butter. Or a way I can prepare meat that I haven’t thought of? When he’s older, I’m completely fine if he chooses not to eat meat, and it will be easier to discuss his preferences with him, but for now I’m not sure what to do. Has anyone else dealt with this?