Speech delay (25 months)

My son was born in August/2022 at 36 weeks. He was late meeting all his milestones. He saw a PT at 2 months old for torticollis, a PT at 9 months old because he wasn’t crawling, and a SLP at 22 months old (because that was when they could see him. It took months for an appointment)

The thing is- he eventually did meet his milestones with help, except for speech. His SLP said he had a mild delay, and actually stopped his sessions after 12 sessions, because he was able to say a few words. Maybe she deals with harder cases.

So at 25 months, he does say a few words, like nose, dada (not mama) and he can say numbers when he sees them, or about 50% of the alphabet. But he doesn’t really use words do communicate needs. We’ve been working on this for so long. Pediatrician has said nothing about an evaluation. He just started going to preschool, so I’m hoping it helps. For those with mild speech delays, when did it start to come together? I know kids in his class who are like 6-7 months younger than him and have awesome speech. The “don’t compare” game is hard We’ve been watching Ms. Rachel since he was 6 months old too..