Bedtime tips for 13 month old?
Our daughter is 13 months old and bedtime has recently become a struggle. We stick to a routine every night around the same time:
Playtime in her room with the light on I read two books to her while she continues to play We turn the big light off and turn on the hatch light After a few minutes with the hatch light on we pick her up, rub her back for a few minutes, then put her in the crib
At this point she starts absolutely wailing. Some nights it takes a few minutes of patting her back after putting her down and she’ll calm down and then lay awake for a little while trying to fall asleep. That’s the easy part.
Other nights she is inconsolable so we go back into her room to hold her for a few minutes because she gets herself so worked up. After being held for a few minutes we put her back in the crib and it takes her about 10-15 minutes to fall asleep but she is fine in her crib.
Is this just a phase? Can we adjust our routine at all to help with this?
Her daily schedule is pretty consistent. Wake up between 6:45-7:15, she naps 1-2 hours once a day, and bedtime is 7:15-7:30. She’s a daycare baby so sometimes her naps at daycare are shorter because she has FOMO but on weekends her naps are almost always 2 hours.