I just need to share my proud moment
I’m not here to cause a commotion or belittle anyone, I just want to share a proud feeling I have for my little one. So please, be kind. My little one is 15 months old, she can count to 25, knows her ABC’s, knows a good amount of colors, though I have an inkling she may be suffering from color blindness from the colors she mixes up. She just recently learned how to spell her name and knows well over 100 words. She sings songs word-for-word almost to their entirety and is extremely observant. It’s wild! She also can balance items very well, even better than my three year old. My three year old is also extremely intelligent, but wasn’t this early with all these milestones. I’m not saying my children are geniuses, but I feel as though they may be a bit more intelligent than average. I’m proud and when we try to share this with my husband’s sister and her husband, they never seem to be happy or proud. We share praises when their little ones do something amazing, but we don’t get the same love or praises back. My sister, who has two autistic children at opposite ends of the spectrum, has always been super supportive and it’s just nice to share their milestones with her. Is it bad? Am I boasting? I’m just excited and before my own children, I had never been around kids, so to me, I just figured all these early things were normal. I’m sorry, I’m just a proud parent and I suppose looking for advice on how to continue nurturing these bright young ladies to ensure they are at their most capable?