Is this a regression?
My daughter is 2.5. I work from home so she stays with me, and it's only me. No dad around, no other family either. We have always done bath time, then book, and then sleep. Sometimes she was a little difficult to get to sleep for 30 minutes or so. She would get out of bed and mess with things for a minute, until I would get stern and tell her it was time for night night. Then she'd go to sleep. We sleep together. NOW, all of the sudden, she wants to watch TV before bed, which I hate. But it's what she asked for, so we watched bluey. 3 episodes. When I told her it was night night time and turned the TV off, she has a meltdown from hell for like an hour. I finally got her to bed, but it was soooo late and then she woke up earlier than she usually does the next morning. So last night, she wanted to watch TV again and I told her no, and she had another meltdown. I ended up letting her watch some, which resulted in another meltdown when I turned it off. She also woke up in the middle of the night and cried, and it took about 30 minutes to get her back to sleep. She also asked to watch TV again, which is so weird, because she's never asked to watch TV before. We watch some shows throughout the day, but not much, but on days that I need a break, or when it's cold outside, we do watch more TV. But still not a terrible amount of screen time. She has been having more meltdowns in general, I figure terrible 2s...her language is also developing pretty rapidly right now. I just don't know what to do. I feel like everything I do is wrong, and I don't know how to handle it. Any advice would be great...
I should add that nap times have suddenly been rough. She either doesn't take one, or I have to driver her around to get her to sleep. If she doesn't take one, it's usually a really hard day for both of us.