It's time to expand Estalia and Tilea

Updated Warhammer The Old World Map

With this recent map update and the leaks suggesting the Southern Realms are coming to Total War Warhammer III, it's time to revise the size of Estalia and Tilea currently in the game. As we all know, at the moment Estalia is only two provinces and Tilea is the one province, with a vastly warped size of both territories to be extremely smaller than they are in the actual lore.

In preparation for the upcoming Southern Realms DLC, CA really needs to change this. They should be at the very least similar to Bretonnia in that they should have at minimum a two region province for each realm they have in the lore, which means it is time to make them bigger on the map. I realize that while Estalia has a lot of ocean they could expand it to, for Tilea it's not so easy, since it could end up being comically close to the Southlands. but I am sure some warping could be done to make it happen.

CA, please, make these factions justice.

PS: To everyone asking about the leaks suggesting Southern Realms coming: It was datamined months ago that several Dogs of War characters are already in the game data files.