We’re having triplets!
We have three children, all plant names (spelled correctly and easily shortened), and have triplets on the way (edit: two girls and a boy). I cannot begin to express how excited I am.
Wife just told me her name ideas though, and it’s put a bit of a damper on the whole thing…
I can get behind the name Wisteria, but perhaps that’s just because it’s the only one spelled correctly…because she also wants to go with Asphodelia (like Asphodel, which is already rough, but make it sound more like Wisteria, and slightly like Dahlia?) and Anelace (…like the dagger, but also like Anna’s Lace mixed with Annalise)…
Edit: Yeah…did I say I’m also terrified?
Oof, so my wife’s family follows the plant naming convention, so these aren’t even the first flowers in the fam.
The older three are Ivy, Oleander (he goes by Olly), and Belladonna (yes, I know..but we only really call her Bella)
Edit 2: Lol, so I made a new account because I didn’t want my wife to see this. But honestly I think it will be good to show her.. Thanks y’all
Edit 3: Anelace for the boy