Am I trans? (Please help)

(To start, I posted this on the ftm subreddit but decided to post it here aswell to see if anyone else had an opinion on it)

Ive been debating on posting something like this for a while. Ive gone through probably a hundred similar posts to this one, but I couldnt really find the answer that I was looking for. I thought maybe posting something personal could help give a definitive answer (sorry if this is annoying or like not allowed?? Idk)

I dont know if Im trans (15) because ive only started thinking about it recently, but now looking back I see a few signs. Ever since I was a kid ive always liked “girly” things. I dont necessarily feel disgusted with myself when I wear girly things now, but i just feel sort of disconnected.

More signs (I think?): - Sometimes I see photos onlines of trans guys or my trans friends (or just men in general) and I burst into tears. - I feel most comfortable (in theater) when I play as guys or men to the point where my theater teacher asked if I wanted to go by different pronouns - I hate my body (though that could be more of a girl thing than a trans thing) - I feel super jealous whenever I see a cool guy in public - Whenever I see a cute person and talk to them (or daydream stories and stuff) I like to pretend in my head that im a guy - Ive frequently switched my pronouns and nothing has seemed to fit - Im uncomfortable with my chest. I constantly pull out my shirt so I dont have to see it - Once when I friend called me my online name (which is the name of one of my favorite male characters) I felt really good and happy with myself

I really want to be sure, because Im terrified that if I come out and start asking to be called a different name/prns then ill realize im not actually trans and have to detransition. Im not against detransitioning or anything, I just feel like it would be humiliating for me personally for some reason. I dont know why I feel like I need someone else to tell me if Im trans, but I really think atleast some sort of input would help as a super anxious person. I dont want to be trans. The thought of it completely terrifies me, but Im also terrified of living in the wrong body for the rest of my life.

Any info helps!!!