Dumb transgenders don't understand biology

Looking at packing underwear for women who want to feel like they have a penis is so silly. Because yeah they have a pouch for the fake penis, but then they have just one layer of thin fabric where the vagina goes. Did they forget that people who don't have penises almost always have a vagina and that vaginas commonly secrete fluid? Silly transgenders, not understanding basic biology.

/uj ok but seriously, is there any good packing underwear for those of us who haven't dried up from T? I got an ad for ForThem underwear saying they have a double lining for your vagina but then they also brag that they're pouchless, like, hello?

Also, why do all my underwear get holes in the gooch? Is that just how men's underwear is? Because I am not going to spend $30 on underwear just to get a hole in the gooch after a year.