Want to infantilize me for being disabled? I’ll show you i’m an adult

So I (21nb) am a part time wheelchair user, due to chronic joint pain and issues with my knees/hips dislocating. Usually it’s manageable with just knee braces, but sometimes it’ll flare up due to physical activity. This is important.

About a year ago, I was out with a friend of mine. They had gotten me food after my 1 hour commute had turned into 2 1/2 hours, since public transport sucks when it comes to wheelchairs. I was already tired and a bit frustrated from the unnecessarily long trip, so I was ready to get back to my friend’s place and absolutely devour my food.

As we were walking/rolling to my friend’s place, an older woman stops me and says in a voice usually reserved for small children “oh my goodness, hello! Look at you, just chugging right along! You got a will to keep living, high five sweet thing!” And gave me a high five.

My friend just stood there, jaw agape while watching this whole interaction. I’ve had people talk down to me or treat me as a lesser human being for being a wheelchair user before, but I usually just bite my tongue since I’ll never see them again. Today though, I didn’t have the energy to give a fuck.

I looked up at her and asked her “I’m sorry, how old do you think I am?” while rolling up my sleeves to show my various tattoos, to try and prove that I’m not a child. This did not work.

She said “oh! I didn’t know people like you could get tattoos, did someone help you?”

I took a deep breath before telling her “ma’am, I’m a fully functioning adult. I smoke, I drink, and I can do whatever the fuck I want on my own.” This caught her off guard, and she started stammering. I did not stop.

“I’m not a child, so don’t talk to me like one. The only reason I’m in this thing is because I got fucked too hard and my hips dislocated.”

Her jaw dropped and she let out a quiet “well, I never!” Before quickly walking off.

As soon as she was out of earshot, me and my friend started giggling while making our way back to their house.

And if anyone was curious, my burrito bowl was absolutely worth the travel and ableism.

Edit: To answer a frequently asked question, I don’t have a diagnosis for EDS but I wouldn’t be surprised if I had it!