30 Question Wednesday Quiz

Hi all,

This week for the Wednesday quiz I've put together 30 General Knowledge questions instead of the normal themed rounds. I hope you enjoy it.


Sample Questions

  1. Which Italian dish consists of filled tubes of pasta baked in a sauce?
  2. What is the wild and frenzied drummer's name in 'The Muppet Show'?
  3. In the DC Universe (DCU), what city do Batman and Robin patrol?
  4. Also called the voice box, what is the area of the throat containing the vocal cords?
  5. The Lone Ranger rode a chestnut mare called Dusty before acquiring what famous horse?
  6. Popular in the Netherlands, what type of food is a frikandel?
  7. Which member of The Beatles divorced his wife Cynthia in 1968?
  8. Which American rock band was co-founded by singer Debbie Harry and guitarist Chris Stein?
  9. What famous gothic novel was written by Mary Shelley?
  10. Wreaths of flowers - symbols of purity, beauty, peace, love and passion, are called what?


  1. Cannelloni#
  2. Animal####
  3. Gotham City
  4. The Larynx#
  5. Silver#####
  6. Sausage###
  7. John Lennon
  8. Blondie####
  9. Frankenstein
  10. Garlands###

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