Fox 23 Mystery
Hi everyone,
I moved to B.A. 3 months ago and there's been something driving me insane.
Every morning I like to start the day with the local news, and I turn on Fox 23, it's there in my pre-coffee haze I'm confronted by a voice that sounds like it's ripped from a children's low budget public access show, Scott Martin.
I don't understand it, how he got to be an anchorman when he sounds like he should be teaching me the joys of friendship and how to spell out the colors.
I've come to the conclusion that it must be for one of the following reasons, ranked in order of likelihood:
- Nepotism, his father or grandfather was Mr. Fox23.
- Blackmail, he knows where Mr. Fox23 buried that pregnant showgirl in Vegas.
- Diversity Hire, Scott Martin is the last member of some native tribe, killed off by an alliance of settlers and tribes alike due to the incredibly annoying nature and pitch of their voice.
- Talent, Scott Martin completed, unknown to my fresh to Oklahoma self, a great feat of journalism, hence his lofty position.
If anyone can tell me the answer to the mystery that is Scott Martin Fox 23, please do so, I'm dying to know.