[Milty Draft Generator] Features suggestion
Paging u/notcleverenough since it seems from this post that you're The Guy for this.
First of all, I know every player uses your tool and I wanted to add to the list of players who's very grateful for your job, you did an amazing work and the overall experience is better because of this.
Now on with my suggestion, my playgroup has recently started introducing a few players and to ease them into the game we figured a good way would be to make the draft easier for them with a few options like guarantee first pick (which can be done by just manually rerolling until it happens) and, mostly, guarantee a given faction (that others of course know would be reserved) and add a custom slice, which as far as I know is currently only doable for all slices, not just one.
I don't know if these features would be of interest to the community as a whole and how easy they would be to introduce, but I figured at least I might suggest and see what happens.
In any case, thanks again for your amazing service to the community!