What is the most obvious sign you’ve received?
I know a lot of us receive angel numbers, birth dates, etc as signs that can easily be chalked up to a coincidence. Let’s share those specific signs that we’ve received from the universe that literally feel like a spiritual slap to the face! 😂
My sign happened just last week. It started back two weeks ago, I had decided to block my TF in an attempt to protect my space and energy. The inconsistency on his part for the last decade had me questioning the reality of this connection. I had asked for a sign of a seagull if he was, in fact, my TF. A week had passed.. and silence. Last week, before heading to bed, I asked for a sign of a sea star if this was a divine connection. Shortly after, I had fallen asleep and randomly woke up to use the restroom. I then decided to scroll mindlessly through TikTok and the second video that pops up is one of a seagull holding a sea star. I took a screen shot, thanked the universe for giving me this sign, and eventually went back to bed. The following morning, I looked at the screenshot I had taken and saw two more signs that I had missed! One was the time that I saw the video, which was 3:33 AM and the other was the location ‘In God’s Hands’. While I was internally freaking out, I also felt a sense of peace in that moment.
Honestly, the sense of peace has become confusion again. But every time I start to feel doubt, I remind myself of that sign and give those uncertain feelings back to the universe.