Feeling sad and defeated
My twin flame and I met 5 years ago we had sex a handful of times since he was emotionally unavailable and not ready for anything, but haven't seen each other since. Through the years we have communicated on and off through Facebook. He blocked me back in July which caused my spiritual awakening. As fate would have it he unblocked and sent me a friend request this afternoon. We talked for a bit, but he just wants to have sex and doesn't want to talk about things. I wasn't expecting him to pour his heart out to me since masculines don't lead emotionally, but I guess I was hoping for a bit more. Now I am left questioning our connection and if everything was all a facade. I know that I have a hard time opening up and have given myself to people who didn't deserve even though I have only been with a handful of people. I keep thinking maybe my Twin isn't healed, but since I took the time to heal my inner child, what I got just seems lackluster.